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Admin Documentation

Welcome to the easyauth.ch admin documentation. This guide will help administrators set up and manage the code card authentication system for their Microsoft Entra ID tenants.

Note: Please request the Postman example client from isolutions for a sample API client.

Step 1: Register the Multi-tenant Application

Connect-AzureAD -TenantId ''
New-AzureADServicePrincipal -AppId 'f7b8ae1b-ee0b-45da-9a98-64f903092dce'

Note: The application only requires delegated profile data of the user.

Step 2: Create an External Authentication Method

  1. Create a Microsoft Entra ID security group for MFA and add a test user to this group.
  2. Open the Security/Authentication methods/New external method and use the EAM Setup values:
    • Client ID: oidc-implicit-eam-mfa
    • Discovery Endpoint: https://easyauth.ch/.well-known/openid-configuration
    • App ID: f7b8ae1b-ee0b-45da-9a98-64f903092dce
  3. Use the security group to apply the MFA.
EAM Group Onboarding

Step 3: Get Admin Access Credentials

Required information:

Step 4: Validate Authentication

Use the test user code card to validate the authentication process: https://outlook.office.com

Step 5: Style the Login Screen

The login screen can be styled for each tenant.

Theming Options

Default Theme:

Default Theme

Example Theming:

Example Theming